Seamless Network Reliability

Unveil a new era of network resilience

Conventional MPLS backup methods often lead to manual switching delays, causing downtime and productivity losses. Our SDHA MPLS solution eliminates these issues by bonding multiple local and cross-border paths, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity and automatic failover during outages.


SDHA MPLS guarantees uninterrupted connectivity, safeguarding against downtime losses.

Local Loop

Enjoy high availability with multiple local loop connections, even during local provider outages.

Backbone Backup

Our solution includes redundant International Backbone paths, instantly switching in case of cable failures.

Global MPLS Coverage

Our ready service coverage in the below listed countries and is still in progress of expanding, in case your location is not listed we can explore the opportunities to build and deliver the service.

Redefine network reliability with Global SDHA MPLS. Embrace seamless connectivity for enhanced business operations.